Tech-O-Help is an independent service provider of technical support for software and hardware. We have no association or affiliation with any of these companies and brands for which we are offering support on Tech-O-Help. Usage of logos and brand names are just for information purposes. All other trademarks, registers trademarks, company names, product names, and brand names, are the property of their respective owners. The services we offer may also be available through the brand owners, on their sites.

Call Toll free Number 1-877-710-0926 and get in contact ASAP!

As far as computer software support is concerned, we, at Tech-O-Help provide three kinds of umbrella services such as: support services, product services and miscellaneous services.

hese more or less cover all kinds of issues that individual users or businesses may face with computer software as well as hardware. Whether you have a laptop or a desktop, its lack of proper functioning could either result from a problem with the software or the hardware.

Besides computers, we also provide assistance to fix various types of computer peripherals such as router, printers and scanners. As these objects have become a permanent fixture in all businesses these days, the smooth functioning of these machines are deciding factor in the day to day running of a business.

To cut a long story short, our team will be able to provide the following services to you:

  • Computer and laptop support
  • Software support
  • Network connectivity support
  • Malware and virus removal support
  • Printers and scanners supportv
  • Online Windows support
  • Antivirus support
  • Email client support
  • Router support
  • Data recovery and backup
  • Browser support
  • Software setup and installation support
  • Computers and laptop drivers support
  • Blue screen support
  • Onsite computer support